The Transformative Power of Small Schools: Insights from Up Academy

At UP Academy we are small by design.  We often get asked about how that affects learning, friendships, development, and the school experience.  It’s important to remember that the size of public school classes was not created for the benefit of students, it was created for efficiency and budget.  Smaller class sizes have numerous benefits.  When we talk with teachers who teach in larger environments and ask about the one thing that could benefit students (and teachers) the most - the answer? - smaller classes.  In fact, the size of a school can detract from the quality of education, as students in larger settings often feel lost in the crowd and may struggle to form meaningful connections with peers and teachers.

Small schools like UP Academy provide an ideal setting for social emotional learning.  Our small school size allows us to engage in restorative practices and conflict resolution as a part of a close-knit community. Consistency fosters deeper relationships and helps students navigate social dynamics more effectively.  This also means that solutions to conflict and challenge may look different for different students and in different situations.  Restorative practices seek to support dynamic learning in changing relationships and meet each student where they are while working to repair, maintain, and build relationships.

From the very beginning UP Academy was designed with the best interests of students in mind. In our new space we have created learning spaces that are flexible, comfortable, and conducive to collaboration and creativity. Our practices prioritize the well-being and development of students over administrative efficiency. We continually seek to involve students, parents, and community members in the decision-making process to ensure that the school environment exceeds you expectations and is really your community.

While the benefits of small schools are clear, there are financial challenges that come with operating with a small community. There are fewer families to donate, there is less tuition income, and the overhead expenses remain similar to large class sizes.  

Small schools cultivate openness, humility, and empathy among students, which are essential qualities for personal and professional success. By fostering these traits, UP Academy helps students develop into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to navigate the complexities of life beyond the classroom.

Tanya Sheckley